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About the Project

Culture and cultural development are commonplace in Western European countries and, above all, economic capital. For this reason, main project objective is aimed at development of urban culture. Our project will implement research into practice by identifying economic impacts in managing culture in self-governments, improving governance mechanisms in urban development, and developing cultural cityscaps which would help representatives of cultural institutions and local authorities rely on concrete results and information.
We want to achieve this goal by analysing cultural identity of selected cities (Banska Bystrica, Krakow, Miskolc and Prague) and researching literary monuments – literary texts, but also myths and legends of cities as an important part of the cultural memory of European cities, whose identity is fading with increasing urbanization and globalization. If we raise written relics to material monuments, they can tell us a great deal about origins, causes of urban units – streets, squares and buildings – and help uncover forgotten meanings of cities involved in the genius loci, "soul" of the city.
These analyses are a precondition for development of urban tourism. What is important is cultural practice and its impact on residents, visitors, city politicians etc. As a result of our research, we will offer an interactive map (or cultural navigator) available freely on the Internet as a collection of information, interpretations, demonstrations and didactic tasks and questions relating to cultural identity of European cities.
This project was made possible through Standard Grant No. 21920177
from the International Visegrad Fund.
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