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Project outputs

Presentation of Literary Banska Bystrica, Slovakia


This presentation provides you information on:

1. Writers in Banska Bystrica and near vicinity

2. Literary places in Banska Bystrica and near vicinity

3. Literary critics

4. Banska Bystrica in stories and legends


Presentation - dowload here

Website of Litarary Banska Bystrica: 


Prague in German literature and its cultural legacy

This Presentation provides you information on:

1. German identity of Prague in first half of 20th century
2. Prague in German Literature
3. Map of Literary tour Nr. 1 

Presentation - download here

Website of Prague German literature:



Elements of Cultural Identity of Miskolc:

This Presentation provides you information on:

1.Theoretical approach

2.Elements of Cultural Identity of Miskolc

3.Practical activities


Presentation - download here


Guest lectures

This output will provide knowledge and experience in the development of urban culture and will enhance internationalization and networking.


1/ Dr Kinga Szabó-Tóth (University of Miskolc)

Elements of Cultural Identity of Miskolc     

Date: 09/11/2020


2/ Mgr. Michaela Peroutkova, PhD. ( Czech University of  Life Sciences Prague)

Prague in German literature and its cultural legacy. In the footsteps of literary places

Date: 10/11/2020


3/ Mgr. Alena Drebitková Malá, PhD.  ( Czech University of Life Sciences Prague)

Historical figures in Prague legends

Date: 24/11/2020


4/ dr. Katarzyna Drag and prof. Michal Drozdz (Pontifical University of John Paul II, Krakow)

Cultural Identity of Krakov

Date: 03/11/2020


Guided walks in the city

What is the best place for living? Every city has its advantages, cultural places and history. A city visitor is not just a fan or a consumer, but he/she has a desire to know his/her own roots and culture. Students will have the opportunity to design and practice a thematic tour through the city. They will learn urban marketing, to apply for jobs and chances effectively and independently, and to push the concept of city tour into practice. Professional tours through the ancient streets of the city attract not only tourists and residents, but also schools and youth clubs.

International Scientific Online Conference: Development of Urban Cutlure

March 18 - 19th, 2021, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia


Conference Topics:


Urban cultural memory
Urban identity
Urban cultural heritage
(Inter)cultural city
City in a literary science
Urban (socio)linguistics
City in translation studies

Digital map of “Literary city”

The digital city map will be a collection of information, interpretations, demonstrations and didactic tasks and questions for teaching the cultural identity of European (large) cities. The side will serve as an aid in teaching a foreign language. Rumors, legends, and other language artifacts can motivate not only university-students but also students of primary and upper schools to learn different cultures independently, arouse their interest in the country. The historical events of myths and legends contribute to his/her interest in history and create awareness of his own and foreign identity.

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Filozofická fakulta

Univezita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Tajovského 40

974 01 Banská Bystrica


Tel.: +421 48 446 7111

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